Scissor lift and trailer packages in stock and ready to go…

If you’re hiring access equipment on a regular basis and you’re considering buying your own scissor lift, we can help you out with several different trailer options.

Before purchasing a trailer for your scissor lift its worthwhile considering a few things which will help us supply you with the perfect trailer.

8 Useful things to consider when purchasing a scissor lift trailer…

  • If you hire scissor lifts for the use on major projects which take 6 – 24 months to completion, getting your machine delivered by a local towing company for around $95 + GST might just be a better option and easier than owning your own.
  • Owning your own scissor lift and trailer means that you and your guys won’t be spending hours sitting in traffic burning up time and money picking up or returning scissor lifts.
  • If your scissor lift does stay on site for reasonable periods of time, consider choosing a multipurpose trailer with filled in sides and back so that the scissor lift trailer can be used for other tasks, we can even supply a cage so that you can use the trailer for taking your garden waste to the tip.
  • Are you likely to purchase a larger scissor lift in the future? If so, consider investing in one of our slightly longer scissor lift trailers (We have a standard length trailer and also what we refer to as our standard long trailer) this means that you can always go up a scissor lift size in the future without the need to purchase a new trailer.
    We we’ll happily trade in your old scissor lift trailer if you need us to.
  • Always consider what weight your vehicle can tow, if you’re not sure what weight your vehicle can tow, you can check from the comfort of your chair by simply clicking on
  • Remember, this is your trailer and we’re here to help you, you don’t have to choose from a scissor lift trailer we have in stock, we can build a trailer to exactly how you want it, we can add tool boxes, cages, closed in sides and back, we’ll even make it fully closed in if you really needed us to!
  • Scissor lift trailers are always in demand and hold their value really well, it’s worth spending a little bit extra now and getting a trailer that’s perfect for you.
  • Your vehicle may be able to comfortably tow 3 ton, but you also need to that your tow bar is rated to handle the load you intend to tow.

What’s great about our trailers…

Our trailers are supplied road ready, WOF’d and registered, we also supply 2 sets of rated strops, this means that you can get your scissor lift loaded up and tied down and taken straight to your site.

Our standard trailers and bespoke trailers are all built here in New Zealand and our Ifor Williams trailers are manufactured in the UK but assembled here in New Zealand.

Ifor Williams trailers are normally purchased for our Sinoboom scissor lifts that way 2 ton or more.

Electric braked trailers  (or an Ifor Williams Trailer, which has special dispensation) are required when the total combined towing weight (trailer and machine) are 2.5t (2500K) or more.

8 Scissor Lift Towing Tips

  1. Before driving your scissor lift onto the trailer, always make sure that the tow hitch is securely locked onto the tow ball, sounds obvious but many people make the mistake of failing to check, and it always results in a damaged vehicle.
  2. When stropping down your scissor lift, always have the strops pulling away from each other and always at an angle that is pulling the scissor lift down onto the trailer deck.
  3. Always use rated strops that combined can hold twice the weight of the machine and make sure you only tie down to purpose-built tie down points.
  4. Never strap over the deck and kick panels of the scissor lift, it’s likely to result in damaging the side panels but most importantly of all it doesn’t secure the scissor lift to the trailer very well.
  5. Don’t try and save money if the result is a trailer that is more likely to let you down or worse still result in a road accident. Our trailers are purpose built and we continually strive to make them better.
  6. Never stand or allow anyone to stand near tow ball when driving the scissor lift up onto a trailer, if the trailer does pop off the ball for some reason this could be really dangerous and cause a serious harm injury.
  7. You can remove the control box from the scissor lift and drive it onto the trailer without actually being on the scissor lift, this adds less weight to the scissor lift making it drive up easier, it also means you can get a much better view of the wheels and ramp alignment.
  8. Check your load – on longer trips or on bumpy roads, always stop every now and again when safe and convenient to do so and check that your strops are nice and tight, things do move and settle, and this can cause strops to become loose.

Some Examples of our Scissor Lift Trailers

Mast Lift Trailer

Enclosed Trailer

Strong Grippy Ramps

Low Angled Ramps – Easy Load

Custom Built Trailers

Heavy Payload Trailers for Larger Scissor Lifts