If you’re hiring access equipment on a regular basis and you’re considering buying your own scissor lift, we can help you out with several different trailer options.
Before purchasing a trailer for your scissor lift its worthwhile considering a few things which will help us supply you with the perfect trailer.
Our trailers are supplied road ready, WOF’d and registered, we also supply 2 sets of rated strops, this means that you can get your scissor lift loaded up and tied down and taken straight to your site.
Our standard trailers and bespoke trailers are all built here in New Zealand and our Ifor Williams trailers are manufactured in the UK but assembled here in New Zealand.
Ifor Williams trailers are normally purchased for our Sinoboom scissor lifts that way 2 ton or more.
Electric braked trailers (or an Ifor Williams Trailer, which has special dispensation) are required when the total combined towing weight (trailer and machine) are 2.5t (2500K) or more.
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